Vision, Mission & Values
Our Vision
To create a BIPOC centered, queer loving, urban and rural village for retreating where individuals find support on their journey to improve mental, physical, and spiritual wellness while building community.

Ellen Sweetman
Dear Ones,
This village has been in my heart since the day I was born.
A knowing that connection and healing is not something we do but rather something we are. We are connection; connection to self first born from the roots of this earth and connected to all those living, sharing our nourishment and exchanging our wisdom. From an early age, I lost my sense of wonder and had to survive in a world that did not mirror the world I felt inside. It took me a long time to understand my resourcing, my wisdom cannot be found in any book or any magic pill. It does not exist outside of me. I don't have to read about it or memorize it. It's in me.
I have traveled far and wide stumbling and fumbling to awaken, to heal and to find my way back to this knowing and rediscovery of my own bright light that shines along side each one of you. I believe this village is that way to communally heal and find our way together, tipping our candles of light to each other as needed. For me, it was a lonely road to becoming well. I want this road to get crowded. I tap the roots of this village and put a call out to those who are seekers. Seekers around their pain, joy, grief, loss, addictions, love, courage, faith, and fear. I tap the roots of creativity for those of us who are scared, unwell, bothered, live in love, are alone, are grateful, in sorrow or in the vibrant light of their celebratory moments.
This village is for those whose path is healing; healing of self, others, our planet, for change, for growth. I believe we are either moving towards healing or we are not and there is no end point. We do not need fixing and nothing needs to be fixed. You are here to continuously walk (heal); to begin again and again and again. You are in the right place. I look forward to exchanging our resources, letting our tendrils touch, and allowing our own wisdom to find the way. And as we are together, connection and belonging rise.
In love and gratitude,
Dr. Felicia Washington Sy
Welcome to Tender Roots,
To all seekers of health and well-being, daring to tear down the walls of separation and doubt, this space is for you! Healing happens in community! We believe that it is possible to heal from our individual and collective trauma, and truth tellers, guides, and mentors are needed along the way. Together we will increase our practical knowledge, explore, question, experiment, and play in a container that is both safe and affirming.
We recognize that for many of us, the journey is aspirational. We are taking back what it means to be well in a world that rewards individualism, competition, and self-sacrifice. Some of us are not there yet. That’s okay! We are here to be your guide, a companion on the journey. We ask that you remain open and curious, and nonjudgmental.
This work is intersectional. Many of us face systemic oppression on multiple fronts that converge to create ableist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, classist patterns that must be dismantled. This work takes time. We’ve built for you a model of care and transformation that is designed to be sustainable. We promote generativity instead of burnout, belonging, and thoughtfulness instead of suspicion and fear of judgment. Effectively holding emotions like grief, tenderness, and wonder creates a new culture. Point yourself in the right direction and GO! It is just that simple and that hard.
Not all the ideas presented at Tender Roots will be for you. We ask that you take what makes sense for you and leave the rest. Most importantly, have fun!
With love and liberation,
Our Mission
The Village builds community through integrative health and wellness. We mindfully and creatively lead individuals, groups, and organizations in a process of discovery that ignites inner knowing. We offer creative arts expression for healing and transformation, individual and group psychotherapy, meditation classes, yoga and gentle movement, wellness retreats, wellness classes, personal coaching, organizational wellness consultation, DEI training and equity workshops. We show up in truth and compassion every step of the way.
Our Values
We reduce barriers to wholehearted living and increase access to integrative health and wellness for historically marginalized groups. We center the needs of BIPOC communities while building bridges of understanding regardless of race, age, ability, sexual orientation, gender, or socioeconomic status.
Support our work and community!
We are envisioning and welcoming change. We are creating. We are building. We are feeling the shifts and can see where we need to go. Our dreams of connection, healing, resting, and belonging are coming to the surface to guide us. The structures put in place for those wanting to start a business, an organization, or a village require a lot of investigation and time. Still, we remain committed to growing our presence in the community and offering opportunities to connect, create, and heal together.